Saturday 10 May 2008

Brisbane Politics: Anonymous Anti-Scientology Rally May 10 2008

Report on the "Anonymous" anti-Church Of Scientology "Fair Game Stop" rally and march held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, on May 10 2008.
Formats available: Windows Media (.wmv)

Brisbane Anonymous, the Brisbane branch of the worldwide movement dedicated to exposing the activities of the "Church" of Scientology, held a rally and march today in Brisbane City. The protestors wore their trademark masks, to hide their identity from the "Church", so they could avoid retribution.

Corner of Albert and Elizabeth Streets - Anonymous' 'Fair Game Stop' Anti-Scientology Protest, May 10th 2008, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia-33

The marchers gathered in Post Office Square, and marched to Brisbane Square, along Queen, Edward, Elizabeth and George Streets. At Brisbane Square they handed out leaflets and showbags to the public and spoke out against the actions of the "Church of Scientology".

Anonymous' 'Fair Game Stop' Anti-Scientology Protest, May 10th 2008, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia-42

The theme of today's rally was "Fair Game Stop", which highlights the "Church" of Scientology's "Fair Game" policy, which means active members of the "Church" are encouraged to harass the "Church"'s opponents by any means deemed necessary. This has included forging bomb threats so that they appeared to come from Paulette Cooper, a journalist hostile to the "Church", as part of "Operation Freakout". Cooper's book "The Scandal of Scientology" can be read here.

Cat addresses the crowd - Anonymous' 'Fair Game Stop' Anti-Scientology Protest, May 10th 2008, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia-57

Speakers at the rally told of the abuse that some members of the "Church" of Scientology have suffered.

Redshirt - Anonymous' 'Fair Game Stop' Anti-Scientology Protest, May 10th 2008, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia-56

For more information on Brisbane Anonymous, click here. If you'd like to see the photos I used to make the above video, click here to see the photoset at Zooomr. And by the way, the shirt this guy is wearing is available if you click here (and no, I'm not making any money off this link, it's just so damn cool I had to pass it on)

Aphex Twin and Rick Astley - Anonymous' 'Fair Game Stop' Anti-Scientology Protest, May 10th 2008, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia-15

For more information on why Rick Astley is better than the Church of Scientology, click here.

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